Mehmet Seckin

It's time we've added some emojis to Dynamics 365!

Dynamics 365 and Model-driven Apps are great, and the shiny new Unified Interface looks awesome. However, sometimes the user interface can get a little bit repetitive and monotonous. I recently tho...

My First PCF Control: TimeZoneDisplay

PowerApps Component Framework is a new way to build helpful, reusable components that provide better user experiences in an efficient and maintainable way. I have been looking for a PCF control ide...

Continuously Delivering a PCF Control

There are lots of things that can be possible with the mighty PowerApps Component Framework. The component development experience is great thanks to the scripting provided by the framework, however...

A .NET Native Alternative to JSON.NET (a.k.a. Newtonsoft.Json) for Dynamics 365 Plugins

Background JSON.NET (a.k.a Newtonsoft.Json) is a powerful JSON library. But when working with Dynamics 365 plug-ins, it needs to be combined into your plug-in DLL using ILMerge. This works fine, b...

Perform CRUD Operations using `Xrm.WebApi`

I have recently had a challenge where I needed to perform some CRUD operations on a bunch of records, and wondered whether I could use the Client API to achieve th...

Recommendations on Git Commits and Pull Requests

A project’s long-term success is tightly coupled by its maintainability. A clean and well crafted source control history is one of the most important and powerful tools when it comes to maintain pr...

Delete multiple Azure Active Directory applications via PowerShell

Recently, I needed a quick way to delete multiple Azure Active Directory applications. This is unfortunately not possible through the Azure portal, so it was time for a little PowerShell magic. I ...

Clean up git branches that do not exist on origin

After our team worked on a git repository for a while, we accumulated a lot of useless branches that are no longer being used. We’ve removed these branches regularly from the origin, but the local ...

Extending Dynamics 365 Package Deployer

The Dynamics 365 Package Deployer is a great tool that allows you to move your customisations and data between environments in bulk. It imports your solutions and data, and provides an API to hook...

Why did I set up a Jekyll blog?

I rarely blog, and often lose track of the blogging engines I’ve set up, and lose my -already rare- blog posts into the void. Therefore, I decided to set up a Jekyll blog, inspired by Tom Preston-W...